As the kids go back to school and the summer draws to a close, it’s time to get organised. September is a wonderful time to reset the calendar and look at ways we’re going to keep social and energised over the colder, darkest months. For new parents, it’s a great time to get babies socialised and make sure you’re getting out of the house too. Toddlers can never be kept too busy but it is especially good for them to have something to do that is helping their development.

Not only are children’s classes a great way for your child to learn new skills but they’ll also meet new people and often grow in confidence. Hopefully, they’ll have fun too!

There are so many baby and preschool classes in Winchester that we couldn’t possibly include them all. So we’ve collected the details of just some of the popular baby classes, toddler classes and preschool classes in Winchester for your little ones.

Baby Classes In Winchester

Baby Squids

It’s never too early to learn to swim. Even newborns can do it. In fact, babies usually love water (or quickly learn to love it). Swimming is a fun activity for parents and babies to do together, initiating what will hopefully be a life-long love of water.

Baby Swimming Classes In Winchester

Baby Squids offer baby swimming classes in Winchester for ages 0-4 years. Classes are available at Osbourne School Winchester on most weekday afternoons, most mornings at Winchester Hospital (hydrotherapy pool) and Noton Park Hotel and Wednesday afternoons at Shepherds Down School. Classes are taught by experienced swim instructors and take place in a warm pool for your baby’s comfort.

Music With Mummy

Did you know rhythm helps us to learn, remember and develop? Children who are around music from a young age may be better able to communicate early on. Additionally, music can also have a really positive impact on emotional wellbeing, one that can be drawn upon throughout our lives.

Music With Mummy, which is actually music for babies, toddlers and their adult carers, is a 30-minute class in which you’ll sing, dance and play simple instruments. Introducing different themes through the terms, music classes are kept upbeat, stimulating and diverse.

Classes in Winchester are run by Josie Dade, AKA, Jolly Josie. There are classes for children from birth-15 months, 1-3 years and for 3 and 4 years olds. Sessions take place at The Carroll Centre in Stanmore, at the community library and Qube Soft Play.

Post Natal Yoga Classes

Every Wednesday, at 11am at Holy Trinity Church Hall in Winchester, you are invited to both calm and reinvigorate yourself with yoga for both you and your baby. Classes are perfect for those with newborns 6-8 weeks after birth (so long as you are both recovered) up until crawling age.

Mummy And Baby Yoga Class In Winchester

Babies enjoy calming music and copying the poses. For you, there is a much-needed chance to awaken and strengthen your body as well as to take more than one deep breath and practice some self-care. The session is relaxed, understanding that babies will cry, require feeding and are likely to be in a different temperament each week. None of this matters at all, this post-natal yoga class is an opportunity to come together and support one another as you get back in touch with your mind and body.

Baby Sensory Classes

One of the best things about this baby sensory class in Winchester is that they have weighing scales available for your use at the session, which will help you to monitor your baby’s weight.

Baby Sensory In Winchester

As newborns, babies are experiencing many different smells, tastes, feelings, sights and sounds for the first time. Baby sensory classes allow them a space to explore their senses and focus on a variety of sensations, aiding their development but also their wider experiences of their new world. A variety of sensory activities are enjoyed at Baby Sensory, including baby massage, signing, songs, rhyme, tummy time, movement, music and much more. Many who attend baby sensory classes with their babies feel it deepens the bond and even strengthens communication between parent and child.

There are sessions taking place in Winchester and Andover at various times throughout the week from birth to 13 months. See the full timetable.

Preschool Classes In Winchester


Rugbytots is a very popular children’s class franchise operating all over the UK and they have plenty of classes in Winchester too. Although rugby is in the name, this is basically a ball sports introduction for toddlers. Children will run, throw, catch (or try to), kick balls and take part in a variety of simple sports-inspired games. Not only are the classes lots of fun but they also develop coordination, balance and fine motor skills, as well as building confidence and teamwork.

Rugby Preschool Classes In Winchester

Rugbytots is for children from 2 years who are reasonably confident walkers, up until around 3 and a half years. In Winchester, there is also a Saturday class for 5-7-year-olds. Classes currently take place at Winchester College PE Centre and Princes Mead School. See the full timetable.

Winchester City Dance

All Saints Church Hall is the home to Winchester City Dance, where children from 2 and a half upwards can discover and nurture a love of dance. Dance is one of the earliest forms of expression that is seen the world over in children before they’re even able to speak. Dance can be celebratory, uniting, disciplined and so much more. Most of us will take part in dancing many times in our life but for some dance will become a lifelong passion, whether chosen as a career path or as a positive force of self-expression enjoyed in our living rooms when no one is watching.

At Winchester City Dance, children enjoy interactive, fun and confidence-building lessons in ballet and contemporary dance. Learning a range of techniques and making friends as they progress through play and practice. As children develop they can be supported through the syllabus taking exams if they wish to.

Find out more about their dance classes in Winchester.

Treasure Gymnastics

Your little ones are not only busy jumping, running, climbing and rolling around to keep you on your feet all day, they are exploring the scope of their physical capabilities. Gymnastics classes aimed at preschoolers are a fantastic way to help them to develop and explore their full range of movement. Plus, with any luck, it will wear them out a bit too!

Gymnastics Kid Classes In Winchester

Treasure Gymnastics offers a safe and fun environment for children all the way from 4 months up to 5 years through their baby and preschool classes. With fantastic equipment and coaches who are passionate about developing children’s skills and confidence.

Classes take place at the Winchester Gymnastic Centre and more information on preschool classes in Winchester can be found here.