Eco-Friendly Cleaning Hacks for Your Home in Cheltenham  

Trying to live a greener lifestyle? We love to hear it! 

These days, you don’t need to compromise on sustainability to keep your home in good shape. Once you know how to make the most of what nature provides (and what’s already in your cupboards), it’s easier than you might think to make cleaning choices that are good for the planet — and your wallet. 

Whether you want to minimise waste, cut chemicals out of your cleaning routine or reduce your plastic use for Plastic Free July, our expert house cleaners in Cheltenham have plenty of tips for you…  

Why go green when you clean? 

Living a more environmentally friendly lifestyle is all about making small changes that make a big difference. 

Not only is it good for your health to swap out traditional cleaning products for natural ones that are gentle on your skin and lungs, but it’s also beneficial for the world around us. 

Eco-friendly cleaning can help you protect the environment and promote a healthier, more sustainable way of life by: 

  • Preventing pollution. 
  • Improving air quality. 
  • Reducing waste. 

Keen to give it a try? Our Cheltenham house cleaners have shared their best green cleaning hacks below. 

Bring the outside in 

There’s no need to invest in an expensive air purifier; some experts (including NASA) believe houseplants can clean the air in your home without any harmful toxins. And they look nice, too! 

We’d recommend peace lilies for their ability to absorb benzene, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene and other volatile organic compounds (VOCs), but spider plants and rubber plants are other great options. 

Raid your pantry 

Swapping out toxic chemical cleaners for natural home cleaning solutions is a great way to lower your environmental impact and will leave your home just as spotless as ever. 

For example, lemon is an excellent disinfectant. Plus, white vinegar and baking soda make great all-purpose cleaners for your kitchen and bathroom. 

You can even save your coffee grounds to scrub your countertops and use olive oil instead of wood polish! The options are endless. 

Ditch single-use cleaning products 

Wet wipes, containers, mops, cloths and more are often made from petroleum-based plastics, which are terrible for the planet and aren’t made to last.  

Select eco-friendly cleaning equipment, storage solutions and microfibre cloths made from durable, reusable materials such as bamboo that provide a better long-term investment and reduce your plastic waste. 

Get things steamy 

Keen to cut out harmful chemicals? You don’t need them to kill bacteria and freshen up your upholstery. We have two options for you: 

  1. Invest in a steam cleaner. These convenient, multipurpose tools are great for cleaning floors, furniture and countertops. 
  1. Just boil some water! You don’t need a fancy piece of equipment to steam-clean your home. Fill a saucepan with water, bring it to a boil and add some baking powder. Then, wrap the lid of the pan in a clean towel and let it absorb all that steam before taking the towel-wrapped lid by the handle and wiping down your soft furnishings with circular motions. 

Environmentally responsible home cleaning near you 

Our Cheltenham office covers Cheltenham and the surrounding areas, including Pittville Park, Montpellier, Bath Road, Tivoli, The Suffolks, The Park, The Strand, Charlton Kings, Ullenwood, Cockleford, Syde, Seven Springs, Upper Coberley, Cowley, Colesbourne, Elkstone, Naunton Park, Six Ways, Charlton Park, Oxenton, Woolstone, Dixton, Gotherington, Stoke Orchard, Bishops Cleeve, Shurdington, Woodmancote, Cleeve Hill, Haymes, Southham, Prestbury, Lynworth, Whaddon, Battledown, Noverton, Harp Hill and Priors. 

So, if you’re looking for eco-conscious local house cleaning services, get in touch today! 

Call our Cheltenham home cleaning experts on 01242 329000.